Cats need to scratch to maintain their claws and mark their territory. Offer multiple scratching posts made of different materials like sisal rope, cardboard, or carpet.
Use cat deterrent sprays on furniture to make them less appealing to scratch. These sprays typically have scents that cats dislike, such as citrus or menthol.
Cats generally dislike the sticky feeling on their paws. Apply double-sided tape or sticky pads to the corners or areas of furniture your cat targets for scratching.
Keep your cat's nails trimmed regularly to minimize damage when they do scratch. Be cautious not to trim too close to the quick, as it can cause pain and bleeding.
Reward your cat with treats or praise when they use the scratching posts instead of furniture. Positive reinforcement can help encourage desired behavior.
puzzle feeders, and regular play sessions can help expend their energy and focus their attention elsewhere.
Temporarily cover furniture with blankets or slipcovers to protect them from scratching while you train your cat.
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